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What's New at the Clinical Neuroscience Lab? 


August 2023

We welcomed two new clinical doctoral students, Erica Karp, M.A., and Lindsay Banks, M.A. to the lab!


Doctoral student Elyssa Barrick attended the MIND (Methods in Neuroscience) Computation Summer School at Dartmouth University!


Madeline Ward, a doctoral student in the Clinical Neuroscience Laboratory, received the Abraham W. Wolf, Ph.D. Endowed Fund for Psychotherapy Research grant from Case Western Reserve University for her work on treatment engagement in psychosis!


July 2023

Elyssa Barrick, a doctoral student in the lab, attended and presented at the Computational Psychiatry Conference in Ireland, alongside CWRU doctoral student Kyle LaFollette! 


Dr. Sarah Hope Lincoln received the American Psychological Foundation John and Polly Sparks Early Career Grant for Psychologists Investigating Serious Emotional Disturbance, to study social defeat and psychotic-like experience in marginalized youth.



May 2023

CNL Graduates! Congratulations to our undergraduate seniors CWRU Class of 2023: Katelyn Furgason, Grant Nelson, Tanvi Prabhakar, Marissa Salvaterra, Claire Turner, and Sharon Kim! We are so proud of you!


Dr. Sarah Hope Lincoln received the American Psychological Foundation Walter Katkovsky Research Grant to investigate a social skills intervention in youth with serious mental illness.


The CNL goes to SIRS! Doctoral students Jill Laquidara, Elyssa Barrick, and Madeline Ward attended the SIRS conference in Toronto Canada to present work on schizophrenia spectrum disorders! 

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